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Compulsory membership can be extinguished by moving out of the territory of North Rhine Medical Council, being accepted as a civil servant for life or by being exempted after making an application.

In these cases, benefits will be paid on principle on the basis of the actual contributions paid. This means that no contributions are lost.

In certain cases - in particular in the event of moving to another country and exemption upon application (possible, for example, for civil servants on probation or with a limited appointment) - the following possibilities exist if certain conditions are met.

  • Continuation of membership on a voluntary basis with continued payment of pension contributions
  • Transfer of the contributions to the pension scheme of the medical council in the new territory if, and provided that, a corresponding transfer agreement has been made with the other pension scheme and the relevant preconditions are met:
    • the number of monthly contributions able to be transferred is limited to 96
    • the applicant may not have reached the age of 50 years at the beginning of membership
    • the deadline for application is 6 months after taking up employment in the territory of the new medical council.